Monday, September 1, 2008

A Wrap Up Of Our Labor Day Weekend

Well, we got out of town headed to Clear Lake pretty early on friday. The big draw was it's konoctai's big summer finale. A customer of dads is a world champion jet skiier, so we wanted to see him. Clear Lake State Park was full, so we found a little campground in Nice, across the lake from Konactai. It is really an RV campground, but he had some tent camp spots, about a 15 X 15 spot of grass a few trees. There was lots of parking in front, we could'nt use it cause it wasn't big enough for boat and truck, we were able to park them right behind camp.
Camp host had told us that he had cable tv hookup and wii fi. We did not take our t.v. but had out laptops with us. Camp host brought us over a tv, ran the electrial and plugged in cable... what are ya gonna do. After setting up camp fri we went over to konoctai harbor, got to see Larry and a couple of guys practicing.
Upon arriving back at camp we took tv into tent and feel asleep watching Blazing Saddles. Lots of road noise and air mattress flat as a pancake at 4:40 in the morning, thank goodness the truck was so close! So saturday morning we buzz on over to festevities, tied up to dock and stayed there all day. The jet skii stuff was very cool, the air chair was amazing, the also had some guys doing motorbike stunts with ramp and all. They were Awesome ! i got some real good pics of all of it, some on the blog.
So we left dock about 4 ish, and drove across the worst water we have ever been in, it actually jammed the walk thru windshield down on to fiberglass of boat. For a while it was fun, who wee, i can go 8 seconds. As it continued i looked a charlotte and D.W. they were lookin a little worried, so i layed on the floor, which is smoother anyway, and charlotte climbed up on me and was not moving. Finally after what seemed like hours we pulled into camp spot, dads back was really hurting, where he broke it in 82. So as it turns out we got to watch Kyle Bush win another race, whilst camping. We decided sunday that we couldn't do that drive again, and could'nt find anywhere else to camp that didn't look scary. So we came home, took naps, showers and watched raced from Fontana.... Yea Jimmy Johnson won ( as in NOT kyle bush) .
This morning when i woke up i felt like i had been in a really bad fight and lost poorly, my whole body hurts all over. I do get to get another neck epedural tomorrow, it should help a lot. On the 17th i get the shot that will kill the nerve in my leg, I have high hopes for that one. So it is a little after 10 and i've got to get some soaking in hot tub and go to bed...... love to all


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