Friday, September 26, 2008


Today was the BIG DAY, John and Hogan left for the ultimate Hunt ! After packing food, cooking supplies, clothes and dog food, dog toys to last them over a week, they were off. John seemed much more excited when they rolled out than Hogan did. When I last heard from john in Paradise they seemed to be faring well. They were headed for another 2-3 hrs on dirt road down to camp spot. John's friend Derek and his son Preston went with him. Preston is abut 10 yrs old, so he will have a great time. More news as I get it.....

If you're reading this blog you probably don't read the dog blog so I posted a picture of one of the two coyotes that ran across our dirt road yesterday morning on my way out. Wednesday night I had hear them howling, but was quite surprised to see them running around at 10 am. This guy actually posed long enough for me to get camera out and snap a picture. I'd say I heard them again last night, but I couldn't hear anything over the neighborhood dogs barking. How do their owners sleep through that. Our night have been quite cool, but I'm not ready to shut bedroom window yet, that would be like fall or winter. In my mind I'm still in summer...
So, you might be asking what I'm d0ing while john is gone, good question, at this point nothing and looking forward to it. The only day I'm working next week is Thursday, I have pt on Wednesday and Friday. Otherwise I plan on hanging out at home, haven't done much of that lately between Dr.'s appts, work and pt, I've been gone a lot. Maybe I'll clean out a few drawers or closets.....yeah right.

Now for the political part of my ramblings. I have about 5-10 more pages of my Barak Obama book to finish ( Dreams from my Father), it is very interesting, sometimes a slow read, but it gives good insight into how he has arrived at his world view. I'd love to go see him lecture, be his friend, have him as a neighbor. I just don't want him to be President. I'm McCain/Palin all the way, however I feel in a better position to refute those who still claim Obama is a Muslum. HE'S NOT A MUSLUM, HE A SOCIALIST !!
There I've said it and I feel much better. Go vote for whoever you feel can lead our country where you belive it should go. Votes still count in America only if we keep using them. ( now I shall climb off my soapbox)

I'm climbing down because I have Nascar qualifying from Kansas to watch before I go to bed.

P.S. Rednecks don't read books by a guy name Obama------so there ! Love to All

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