Monday, July 7, 2008


Hi All had a great and busy weekend,one of best parts of my planned lazy day today is that air outside is so smokey and "unhealthy" that i don't feel bad about not doing anything outside. Also the temp is about 100 degrees.Only word for that is: Nap Time. I am trying to make changes to blog, hopefully they will take effect when i post this blog. Tomorrow morning at 7:30 am i will be goin in for epuderal on my cervical spine, should be a 2.5 hr appt. i will be put out for procedure so that will be nice ! should not be any recovery time, but i will be taking it easy tomorrow afternoon. If jamie has kitchen cabinet doors off i will sand and paint for her this week, i forgot how much i like sanding and painting. sunday we will be going up to bullards bar camping with lomas family till tues morning, i have to come back for dr. follow up on tuesday afternoon. love to all-- leave me comments if you read this

1 comment:

Jay and Janelle said...

praying for your procedure tomorrow...hope it goes well!
wish I could come up and sand and paint with you guys this week. :) love you guys