Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday Night, Again

I thought i would share some quick thoughts about the weekend and today's adventure. Weekend was very nice, pretty much hung out, watched lots of racing, hey Kyle Bush only one 1 out of 3 this weekend, what a slump. So my "teammate" jimmy j scored his second of the season i believe, can't remember, don't care. Jr's hangin in around 2nd place in points, I'm loving that, i finally got my new 88 sticker on the back of my truck yesterday, so now I'm official again, between my license plate that says dl jr fan and my 88 sticker i think I'm making a statement.
After racing yesterday we met jamie and dustin in town for pizza, they are fun to hang out with ! Jamie will know on the 7th if we have a grandson or grandaughter , she's making john go out to dinner, no telling over the phone ! i love that girl, she has him wrapped around her finger and thumb, if this baby is a "katie" he's done, all over for gramps.
So today was the monday we go up to boys ranch in oroville, I finally met Mass, the owner/operator. The whole staff is different from 2 weeks ago when we went. Joyce and I are asking a few more questions and trying to get to know boys a little better. It seems that 2 or 3 of them have been adopted, and then sent away to "boarding school" because they have " anger issues.
One of the boys told us that he was actually a twin, his mom adopted him out and kept the other twin, he has never seen or known him. In his adopted family he has older and younger adopted siblings from India. One of his mom's excuses for sending him there is that there are not enough black children/adults where they live and he would be an outcast. in Indiana, please.
This little boy is a mover and a shaker, never quite sure if he's working ya or being honest. But he has the biggest smile, i just wish i could bring him home and raise him myself. Jay and Casey always wanted a little brother ?. Joyce has a few boys that tug at her heart, we just want to grab them and run away with them and never come back. Parents spend 3,000 a month for "boarding and school" school is done all on computer and the boarding is quite pathetic. The school is 7th day Adventist, so no meat etc.
For $3,000 I could do lots of loving and home schooling with this boy ???? We went to look at a bed and bfast that overlooks the lake from a distance, beautiful 10 bedrooms with own baths, just beautiful. Its on 20 acres but all down hill and too rocky for horses. Jack Joyce and I would love to get the whole group out of there, the neighbors fight with each other about easement rd, and look for excuses to hassle the boys home.
Anyway I can't solve all the worlds problems, but I can try to show Christ's love to a few boys every 2 weeks. Gotta get some sleep,
love to all.
P.S. I know you're all dying to know how hogan is, He's great !!!!
A little needy at the moment but we'll play tomorrow, he does like running thru the sprinkler

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