Saturday, July 12, 2008

Late Night For Ramblings

Ok i have to start over, you all know what happened,,, it screwed me but maybe i'll save a few times this time.My neck still feels good,my leg is killing me, maybe the no pain makes the other pain worse, who knows. I am so very thankful for the relief i have in my neck. Praise The Lord !!!! So Jamie says i need to let jay and janelle know that i mopped bathrooms, vaccumed floors and did all kinds of domestic inside chores today! I can do it when the time is right! Hey jay, I took all my old nascar newspapers to recycling yesterday, and yet my life goes on..... hmmm, you should really be a crime fighter! Now to the serious stuff,would you guys pray for aunt andy, her best friend sharon died last sunday, she was mid 40's had gone on a bike ride to celebrate daughters 14th birthday, small wreck, but it seems that during the night or early in the morning she died in bed. she had underlying health issues but they are guessing that a small part of fatty cartlidge came loose from sprain on elbow and entered her circulitory system. when i talked to her yesterday, she did not know autopsy results. Andy gave a eulogy and is very concerned for daughter Faith. It's a messy situation with the husband who did not treat her well. If you could pray for that whole situation and for me to have the right words for andy i'd appreciate it. On the praise front janenne barretts little boy got to come home from hospital last week. all seems well, can't wait to see him. any updates from wyatt ? It seems that our camping trip is a no go for next week. janet and i might drive up to union valley and scope it out, see how the smoke is and if there is camping opportunities, nice clean refreshing lake water seems great right now.gonna go see if i can get some zzzzzz's. love to all

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