Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pride Goeth Before The Fall............

Yes, Yes, Yes I had to have john's ford pull me out of my "off roading". He does have 4 wheel drive, blah, blah, blah. So all's well that ends well.

I think I am finally done with Halloween candy checks for work, kinda silly to check to see if stores are withholding candy in back, makes it easy on me. Sadly most stores are getting loaded up with Christmas candy. I guess it's job security for me, but it should be about 80 today, we're still wearing shorts for gosh sakes ! Weather is supposed to turn cold and rainy for weekend, maybe that will feel more Holidayish ?

Christmas will be different this year, I think Jay and Janelle will come up with Casey and Peggy around the 5th of January. We will miss them, but i am soooo grateful that Janelle's parents are the wonderful people they are, they will have a good day with them. I know Chad and Teresa appreciate spending time with them. AND I assume we will be very busy with little Katie. My hope is she is a tiny bit early so she and Jamie will be home for Christmas, what more than we can ask for ! so we'll spend the day there waiting for her to wake up, eat, or need a diaper change. I can't imagine what it will feel like to hold her, ok i'm tearing up, so I'll change subject. Grandma's getting weepy..............

We'll go to dustin and jamies for halloween, its fun to carve our pumpkins together, and wait for trick or treaters, the last few years they only had a handful. We're hoping at the new house they'll get more. New street goes all the way through (not in court) so we're ready. I'm making a cake for cake walk at cool's hallelujah party, miss those days, but oh well.

Love to all, keep in touch....................

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