Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pride Goeth Before The Fall............

Yes, Yes, Yes I had to have john's ford pull me out of my "off roading". He does have 4 wheel drive, blah, blah, blah. So all's well that ends well.

I think I am finally done with Halloween candy checks for work, kinda silly to check to see if stores are withholding candy in back, makes it easy on me. Sadly most stores are getting loaded up with Christmas candy. I guess it's job security for me, but it should be about 80 today, we're still wearing shorts for gosh sakes ! Weather is supposed to turn cold and rainy for weekend, maybe that will feel more Holidayish ?

Christmas will be different this year, I think Jay and Janelle will come up with Casey and Peggy around the 5th of January. We will miss them, but i am soooo grateful that Janelle's parents are the wonderful people they are, they will have a good day with them. I know Chad and Teresa appreciate spending time with them. AND I assume we will be very busy with little Katie. My hope is she is a tiny bit early so she and Jamie will be home for Christmas, what more than we can ask for ! so we'll spend the day there waiting for her to wake up, eat, or need a diaper change. I can't imagine what it will feel like to hold her, ok i'm tearing up, so I'll change subject. Grandma's getting weepy..............

We'll go to dustin and jamies for halloween, its fun to carve our pumpkins together, and wait for trick or treaters, the last few years they only had a handful. We're hoping at the new house they'll get more. New street goes all the way through (not in court) so we're ready. I'm making a cake for cake walk at cool's hallelujah party, miss those days, but oh well.

Love to all, keep in touch....................

Friday, October 24, 2008

A Dirt Driveway, A Skunk, A Chevy Truck

Well, it has been a very long week, did some hard labor for work this week, completely resetting the big battery centers that are in sams clubs, did one by myself last week and two this week with another gal. It is amazing how much a case of D batteries weights. Oh well, good money making two weeks ! I worked until 10 ish last night so i could take day off today, so far not much accomplished but it's nice to just be here.

So here's the story, last night as i was coming up the driveway, that john had groomed beautifully last weekend, a little skunk slithered out from the side of driveway right at the place where you have to speed up to get momentum to get up the steep part. Well i had to either slow down or run over the skunk, after all my skunk travails i was not having my truck skunked ! so.... I was too slow to make it up the driveway, as i backed up (in the dark) I let the left side tires slide off the driveway.
After spinning gravel enough to put a nice grove on right side, i said "Too Hell With This" got my work stuff out and walked up the hill. Just like I always come home that way. Actually i slid down the hill, it's all pine needles and very dry dirt this time of year, as i got out of truck so my briefcase is a little dusty and my ego is a little bruised. I might have to take my Dale Jr. stickers off. I'm Not Worthy, I'm Not Worthy !
Hopefully John will be able to pull it out with his superduper ford 4x4. I say that with humility because I give him a very hard time cause i have to give his truck a jump fairly often, he always has battery issues.
So that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Actually our neighbors at the bottom of the hill called this morning to make sure i was o.k. that's kinda nice.
Weather is beautiful, watching finches at the bird feeder, it should be close to 80 today ! not bad for October....
See ya in the funny papers, I'm going to look for a mean far side cartoon about skunks !

Friday, October 10, 2008

Finally Friday

For those who have not heard update from Johns Amazing Hunting Adventure: 1 week of non stop hunting, some in 90 degree weather, some in rain, wind and 60 degree weather.i The result is the same No Kill. I realize the only one who thinks this is good is my mom ! but the rest of us are kinda bummed, we were looking forward to some bar b qued venison. He is still adamant that spring valley lake is the only place to go hunting, must be a guy thing ? He, Derek and Preston had a great time, lots of quiet time and in the sack early. Very different from John and Derek's regular life. I'll take my cartoon down now, might put ideas in his head......

After having a few days off work last week and not going to Physical Therapy anymore gave me lot's of time. Stinks when ya go back to work. This week has been a week of lots of driving. I did the Auburn, Grass Valley, Beale AFB drive. The Pollock Pines to Orangevale drive and and another Placerville run in betweeon. So today I am home. I joined the health club that I was doing pt, so I can go on my own schedule now. It's also cheeper to pay club fees than co pay for appts. Now I just need to make sure I plan it into my work day.

We started our small group Bible Study on Monday night, it was very nice, most of the group we've known for many years, some started comming to cool after we left for 5-6 years ago. So it's nice to get back into the swing of church family.

In my travels yesterday I picked up some paint to do touch up of doorways etc around the house, amazing what you find when you steam clean carpet ! Since I'm off today I figure I better get to it.
I have a lot of touch up of brown (living room),yellow (bathroom) and green (kitchen) to get to also, could turn into a bigger job than I want to do.......

Thursday, October 2, 2008

They're back.............

John and Hogan made it out, actually John's buddy Derek had to bring his son Preston back home to finish out the week at school .So john decided to come home also, on his way I checked weather forecast for him, rain Friday and Saturday. With a quick wash of clothes, good shower and a lighter load he left again this morning. He is sure that with rain, deer will be out and around. They did see many doe's actually camped right by deer trail to the creek. They will camp in a different place this time, where a 70 yr old woman camped for a week or so, her son got his buck a week ago, she got one while john and Derek were there. Derek and Preston helped her pack it out, Derek was at her camp checking his ATV trailer they had parked nearby, and borrowing coffee. Can you image john without coffee !! the first day the used Folgers coffee singles bags from the bottom of Derek's overnight bag ( no doubt from a Holiday Inn ) overnights do have their advantages. Hogan stayed home this time, john said that he did great! as they walked, Hogan stayed right with him, liked to flush out quail, in doing so he also flushed out a few does, no bucks though...... we figured if hogan got excited and wanted to jump into the truck when john left he could go. He just kinda laid on the porch, thought he was going to wag his tail as john walked to the truck, but seemed too tired to make it over. He's gonna stay and make sure the homestead is safe for the weekend.

I have been a combination of bored, lonely, lazy and busy this week. I don't work until tomorrow after PT , it has been very nice not to have to get up and "get ready". I did go to church on Sunday and to Jeff Lomas's soccer game Monday. Just a mention to those of you who know Jeff, he is a Junior in High School now, so is on Varsity team at Golden Sierra. Some of us remember Jeff as a wiry 8 yr old hanging off tree's, and any other way he could find to be active and on the move. He's a forward, and has a pretty good scoring record.

Tonight I'm going to Dustin and Jamie's to watch VP Debate. Should be interesting, if not entertaining. Gotta love Joe..... I do need to finish up the baby towels I couldn't figure out how to put together for Jamie's baby shower, John reminded me how to do it, so I need to finish them up. If you have not gone to Dustin and Jamie's blog to see Katie's room, you need to go there and see what she's done. It is so cute and sweet looking I'd sure want my room to look like that.

This is the weekend that I am jealous of Casey for living in Birmingham. Nascar is at Talladega, and I wanna be there ! When we spent Christmas down there 2 years ago, we went out and did a tour of speedway, actually got to go on track bottom, the banking is too high for a tour van to go up on to. It was very cool, we gotta get down there for a race while Casey is there. Birmingham is about an hour from speedway. Forecast is great for the weekend, so I'll be tuned in, while I'm steam cleaning my carpets, my weekend project, Yee Haww !

We are expecting rain here this weekend, that will be very nice assuming that it is a good long rain, we do not need sprinkles that make mud on our cars. Maybe a early rain bodes well for our rain level this winter, and maybe the lakes will have water all next summer. Well, not Folsom I'm sure they'll come up with a reason to dump it out, kinda cynical but that's life in northern California for boaters, cynical and bitter........
I'll give you the rundown on the "hunt" early next week,
Love to all