Friday, September 26, 2008


Today was the BIG DAY, John and Hogan left for the ultimate Hunt ! After packing food, cooking supplies, clothes and dog food, dog toys to last them over a week, they were off. John seemed much more excited when they rolled out than Hogan did. When I last heard from john in Paradise they seemed to be faring well. They were headed for another 2-3 hrs on dirt road down to camp spot. John's friend Derek and his son Preston went with him. Preston is abut 10 yrs old, so he will have a great time. More news as I get it.....

If you're reading this blog you probably don't read the dog blog so I posted a picture of one of the two coyotes that ran across our dirt road yesterday morning on my way out. Wednesday night I had hear them howling, but was quite surprised to see them running around at 10 am. This guy actually posed long enough for me to get camera out and snap a picture. I'd say I heard them again last night, but I couldn't hear anything over the neighborhood dogs barking. How do their owners sleep through that. Our night have been quite cool, but I'm not ready to shut bedroom window yet, that would be like fall or winter. In my mind I'm still in summer...
So, you might be asking what I'm d0ing while john is gone, good question, at this point nothing and looking forward to it. The only day I'm working next week is Thursday, I have pt on Wednesday and Friday. Otherwise I plan on hanging out at home, haven't done much of that lately between Dr.'s appts, work and pt, I've been gone a lot. Maybe I'll clean out a few drawers or closets.....yeah right.

Now for the political part of my ramblings. I have about 5-10 more pages of my Barak Obama book to finish ( Dreams from my Father), it is very interesting, sometimes a slow read, but it gives good insight into how he has arrived at his world view. I'd love to go see him lecture, be his friend, have him as a neighbor. I just don't want him to be President. I'm McCain/Palin all the way, however I feel in a better position to refute those who still claim Obama is a Muslum. HE'S NOT A MUSLUM, HE A SOCIALIST !!
There I've said it and I feel much better. Go vote for whoever you feel can lead our country where you belive it should go. Votes still count in America only if we keep using them. ( now I shall climb off my soapbox)

I'm climbing down because I have Nascar qualifying from Kansas to watch before I go to bed.

P.S. Rednecks don't read books by a guy name Obama------so there ! Love to All

Monday, September 22, 2008

Been A While..............

It's been a few weeks since I've posted, so I thought I better update, lest anyone think I fell or jumped off the end of the earth. I didn't. Last week I had my "nerve deadening" shot. Here's the long version. I was told to arrive at the surgery center in Roseville at 1:15 p.m. for a 2:15 procedure. I was directed to stop eating or drinking at 7 a.m as I was going to have conscious sedation. I got up at 6:30 to drink a cup of coffee, and eat a muffin. So we arrive, yes I had to have a driver, on time and they take me back pretty quickly. The nurse does her pre procedure work, BP,Temp etc. As she was getting ready t0 put IV in for conscious sedation, the doctor was at the next cubicle and leans over to say, oh, she doesn't need that, she's just here cause we're using a bio hazard for her injection ( phenol). So there I am, no eat or drink and no concision sedation. Just 2 pair of socks, and a gown that ties in the back. So i start to notice patients come and go while i still lay there. Next i hear Dr tell nurses that he wants to take me last, cause the phenol stinks, and they don't want it to stink up the room for other patients . So I finally get wheeled in at 5 min to 3 and am back in the "recovery" room by 3 min to 3. So it really comes down to dopey receptionist at Dr's. office that ask me without knowing what she was talking about, if i wanted conscious sedation or not. And yes, i could have driven myself home and dad could have worked a full day. So........end result; my leg still hurts, no real relief and i will be much wiser next time we schedule one of these.
As most of you know dad/john is going on a long hunting trip this weekend. He and his friend Derek will be going up Friday and staying thru the next Sunday. He's getting lists checked off and everything ready. He will probably be taking Hogan our most recent dog acquisition, see dog blog for details.
Over the weekend, Jamie had her baby shower, it was very fun and good to see her family again. Her friends Elizabeth and Amy did a great job, Elizabeth's step-grandma did the food. Man was it good. The game of guess what kind of chocolate is in the diaper. Oh my, that one was a rough go ! She got a lot of cute and pink things . She also bought a bassinet and a dresser/changing table over the weekend. Katie's room is sure looking cute !!!!
I guess I should head over to dog blog, and catch up there.
See Ya.............

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Yea,I'm off today, Yea I'm getting a "nerve deading" shot for my leg this afternoon. Hopefully that should keep me pain free for a period of time, not necessarily a permanent fix because the nerve will regenerate, but it could be months or years. So I'm hopeful !!!
bad thing is i don't go in till 1:15 pm and i can't eat or drink anything till then. I got up at 6:30 and had a muffin and cup of coffee, then went back to bed for a hour or so. I took tomorrow off also, can't drive for 24 hrs.
hard to believe, john and i are going over to their house after my procedure, I'll crash on guest bed, when they get home we'll celebrate Dustin's birthday.
Saturday is Jamie's baby shower, it's all getting very real, I think I'm really going to be a grandma........married to a grandpa......... who are these people ?
Johns back is getting better, he went to Dr. on Monday, got some muscle relaxers, and has been icing it in evenings. With his big hunting trip coming up, he's going no matter what, but it would be nice if he walked upright while hiking in woods (haha)
If you're looking for a dog story, you have to go to new dog blog i started with Andy and Raquel, we're having fun with it. I guess i better put that link on this blog. Gotta go ............... I'll update my medical situation later today or tomorrow morning.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sunday Suprises ?

Well, made it another week.... been a good one, some work, some relaxing, topped off with long weekend with jay and Janelle up for a few days. As Dustin and Jamie's house is awaiting a living room floor they came up Friday and Saturday afternoon to hang and have dinner. It's a great weekend when almost all the gang's here- missed ya Casey- Jaynelly left from church, so it's been a quiet afternoon.

Had a Cool happening at church this morning, one of our church members who felt God calling him to Ministry 10 years ago. At the time he had a good job at UPS and 5 kids. Matt and Tina Schnetz sold house, moved to nowhere Wyo while he went to Bible College. They have Pastored in Idaho and are now serving in WA and have 10 kids ! Parker is oldest, 23 yrs old and i think the youngest is probably 3 or 4. Matt preached this morning, it was such a privilege to see his sacrifice and dedication to God's calling, coming back to cool. Our family has always been impressed with his answer to God's call in the mist of his "life"
Quite a honor to have seen it progress thru the years.

After naps we've been nascaring it. Cut off for chase was today's race. Kasey Khane is not in chase, so john is quite disappointed. I got all three RCR cars and Dale Jr. in, so I'm a happy camper, at least this weekend ! Yea I have day off tomorrow, I have to go to Roseville for PT in morning, but off rest of day , yeah. My work schedule has gone from part time 2-3 days a week, to how am I going to fit all this into 5 days, I still manage to be home by 3 or 4 so it's not bad at all

Hogan Update: oh my gosh, he is so "busy" day and night. Busy chewing on pinecones, big ones, yes pinecones, pieces of firewood off front porch, digging in my flower beds, laying out our garbage in front yard. He's a "busy" one. A little while ago we are pretty sure he turned on the side water faucet next to the house ! We set up a cone and a ball off a rope tied to a tree hoping he'll spend some time being "busy " with that, I'm hiding treats in it. BUT no skunks,raccoons or critters. I was spending a fortune in cat food, so i appreciate his efforts in that area. He really is a sweety. I think john is taking him hunting later this month, Hogan will love that. I have to get him leash and car ready though..... could be trouble.
O.K. I'm tapped out and my feet are cold, got to get some socks on
Love to all.....................

Monday, September 1, 2008

A Wrap Up Of Our Labor Day Weekend

Well, we got out of town headed to Clear Lake pretty early on friday. The big draw was it's konoctai's big summer finale. A customer of dads is a world champion jet skiier, so we wanted to see him. Clear Lake State Park was full, so we found a little campground in Nice, across the lake from Konactai. It is really an RV campground, but he had some tent camp spots, about a 15 X 15 spot of grass a few trees. There was lots of parking in front, we could'nt use it cause it wasn't big enough for boat and truck, we were able to park them right behind camp.
Camp host had told us that he had cable tv hookup and wii fi. We did not take our t.v. but had out laptops with us. Camp host brought us over a tv, ran the electrial and plugged in cable... what are ya gonna do. After setting up camp fri we went over to konoctai harbor, got to see Larry and a couple of guys practicing.
Upon arriving back at camp we took tv into tent and feel asleep watching Blazing Saddles. Lots of road noise and air mattress flat as a pancake at 4:40 in the morning, thank goodness the truck was so close! So saturday morning we buzz on over to festevities, tied up to dock and stayed there all day. The jet skii stuff was very cool, the air chair was amazing, the also had some guys doing motorbike stunts with ramp and all. They were Awesome ! i got some real good pics of all of it, some on the blog.
So we left dock about 4 ish, and drove across the worst water we have ever been in, it actually jammed the walk thru windshield down on to fiberglass of boat. For a while it was fun, who wee, i can go 8 seconds. As it continued i looked a charlotte and D.W. they were lookin a little worried, so i layed on the floor, which is smoother anyway, and charlotte climbed up on me and was not moving. Finally after what seemed like hours we pulled into camp spot, dads back was really hurting, where he broke it in 82. So as it turns out we got to watch Kyle Bush win another race, whilst camping. We decided sunday that we couldn't do that drive again, and could'nt find anywhere else to camp that didn't look scary. So we came home, took naps, showers and watched raced from Fontana.... Yea Jimmy Johnson won ( as in NOT kyle bush) .
This morning when i woke up i felt like i had been in a really bad fight and lost poorly, my whole body hurts all over. I do get to get another neck epedural tomorrow, it should help a lot. On the 17th i get the shot that will kill the nerve in my leg, I have high hopes for that one. So it is a little after 10 and i've got to get some soaking in hot tub and go to bed...... love to all
