Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Yada, Yada, Yada

So here it is 2:15 am, and no i did not take a nap today, and i am not sleeping. My eyes and nose are so allergy ridden I'm about to go crazy..... These Pretzels Are Making Me Thirsty. Somehow with all the smoke and junk in the air the last couple of weeks, i was ok, but now that the smoke has cleared, something is freeking blooming and i look like an old drunk with a red nose and bloodshot eyes.

Other than that not much going on, d.w. continues to ignore hogan, or growl as he walks by. hogan is a fetcher, so d.w. has decided to be one also. dogs are so weird !

So big earthquake today in so cal, for those on east coast, all our people are fine, jay got a pretty good jolt, it woke amanda up, and some pictures fell off the wall. I listened to big bulldozers and tractors today going on across greenwood road, it sounded like major logging of the hill across the dirt road, interesting to see what it looks like tomorrow.

I have bedroom window open and i am smelling a skunk, i hope hogan takes care of it, so far no barking or running, he likes to lay outside where he can see me. I think I got a mamma's boy instead of a watch dog, but he was Free....

I'm going to give zzzzz a shot now, i do have to work tomorrow, 2 jobs at wal mart in placerville and a secret shopper gig in folsom, mighty exciting ain't it.
Love u all

Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday Night, Again

I thought i would share some quick thoughts about the weekend and today's adventure. Weekend was very nice, pretty much hung out, watched lots of racing, hey Kyle Bush only one 1 out of 3 this weekend, what a slump. So my "teammate" jimmy j scored his second of the season i believe, can't remember, don't care. Jr's hangin in around 2nd place in points, I'm loving that, i finally got my new 88 sticker on the back of my truck yesterday, so now I'm official again, between my license plate that says dl jr fan and my 88 sticker i think I'm making a statement.
After racing yesterday we met jamie and dustin in town for pizza, they are fun to hang out with ! Jamie will know on the 7th if we have a grandson or grandaughter , she's making john go out to dinner, no telling over the phone ! i love that girl, she has him wrapped around her finger and thumb, if this baby is a "katie" he's done, all over for gramps.
So today was the monday we go up to boys ranch in oroville, I finally met Mass, the owner/operator. The whole staff is different from 2 weeks ago when we went. Joyce and I are asking a few more questions and trying to get to know boys a little better. It seems that 2 or 3 of them have been adopted, and then sent away to "boarding school" because they have " anger issues.
One of the boys told us that he was actually a twin, his mom adopted him out and kept the other twin, he has never seen or known him. In his adopted family he has older and younger adopted siblings from India. One of his mom's excuses for sending him there is that there are not enough black children/adults where they live and he would be an outcast. in Indiana, please.
This little boy is a mover and a shaker, never quite sure if he's working ya or being honest. But he has the biggest smile, i just wish i could bring him home and raise him myself. Jay and Casey always wanted a little brother ?. Joyce has a few boys that tug at her heart, we just want to grab them and run away with them and never come back. Parents spend 3,000 a month for "boarding and school" school is done all on computer and the boarding is quite pathetic. The school is 7th day Adventist, so no meat etc.
For $3,000 I could do lots of loving and home schooling with this boy ???? We went to look at a bed and bfast that overlooks the lake from a distance, beautiful 10 bedrooms with own baths, just beautiful. Its on 20 acres but all down hill and too rocky for horses. Jack Joyce and I would love to get the whole group out of there, the neighbors fight with each other about easement rd, and look for excuses to hassle the boys home.
Anyway I can't solve all the worlds problems, but I can try to show Christ's love to a few boys every 2 weeks. Gotta get some sleep,
love to all.
P.S. I know you're all dying to know how hogan is, He's great !!!!
A little needy at the moment but we'll play tomorrow, he does like running thru the sprinkler

Friday, July 25, 2008

The Good, The Bad, And A Winner

Hi All, John says that I do not talk about him in my blogs, so this time i will

talk about him a lot. So everyone knows how frustrated i have been about skunks, raccoons, and turkeys, day and night, the midnight skunk baths d.w. and charlotte have had to have.

So my idea was to get a "watchdog" that is an outside dog to chase off these interlopers onto our vast track of land. John vehemently disagreed, because he likes shooting them in the wee hours of the night. As you know he is gone 2-3 nights a week and i am not adept at shooting in the night or day, nor do i want to acquire this particular skill.

I decided that i was just going to get a dog and be strong on my defense however as john was helping dustin and jamie work on their home repairs the other night, "they" felt compelled to tease him with my plan- it did not go well at home.. thanks d & J. Anyway after some "discussion" and "debate"a little more "give" and "take" It was "decided" that i could get another dog, Rules for dog: 1. If its a german shepherd, it has to be named after a character in Hogans Heros- thanks nic at nite 2.he/she could never, never,never come in the house. 3. he/she can never go anywhere with us !
4. It really can't be part of our family, our family of dw and charlotte is perfect and can't include anyone else. So with those rules , i continued to follow up on some of the dogs i had been checking up on on craigslist.

It's a very weird thing that people who are losing their home want you to pay a "rehoming" fee anywhere from 50- 450 dollars. That i will never do.
So i had inquired about a "urgent shelter" dog from the merced animal shelter. Same shelter i got dw from, i had emailed the coordinator and let her know that i was not able to pay the rehoming fee etc. She emailed back saying they would waive all fees, but this dog was going to the rainbow bridge later this week. I said bring him up, they actually car pool dogs up to sac every week for people to pick up. So i found myself at a Denny's on Howe ave waiting for a van full of dogs, it looked like a drug buy with leashes when the van pulled in.

So here we are at home with Hogan, he is shephard mix, not the best looking dog out there i will agree, but he is smart,sweet and very obedient.
d.w. does not like him at all, gives him the stank eye and a growl when he gets a chance, guess it's good to be the dog king too. but hogan does not do the big back yard at all, i realized yesterday that he had been at pound for a full month. So he's been sleeping on front porch at night and hangs around front door during the day. that's what i was looking for, i'm pretty happy and dad is grudgingly accepting him, hard not too, he's very friendly. and more important, no skunks, raccoons and turkeys the last two nights, although i have not heard him bark yet.

So here is where i thank dad for being a good guy and letting me deal with this in my way. And no hogan has not been in the house at all !! and since he threw up in my truck on the way home, he'll not be going on any trips. He does run thru sprinkler to cool off i noticed, can't wait to see he and zell run thru sprinkler. So that's my last couple of days......

On a personal note, most of the smoke from fires is gone, but my allergies are back with a vengeance, thank the Good Lord for Zyrtec D, I'm living on it. And if you haven't talked to john lately he thinks that job change will become apparent buy the middle or end of august! so maybe we' ll be packing or we'll be hanging out for years too come.

So here are a few pics of Hogan, he is very dark so it's hard too get a good pic of him. Hey Jay, Free is not always bad.......

Love u all

Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday Report

Well another week has come and gone, so i'll update the past week. I've been working on priming some of dustin and jamie's kitchen doors, i can't wait to see the whole kitchen done.

No boating this weekend, i'm hoping we can get back up to union valley this saturday. My latest rant is the water level at folsom, has not been enough water for us to go this year, and tomorrow the speed limit on the entire lake will go to 5 mph due to the many hazards. What a waste of tax payer dollars.

Now to the happings at home; in the last week my mountain man has shot a raccoon, and 2 skunks- shot em with a shotgun- cut em right in two, blames himself ! * see bottom for reference, if you didn't get it. And worst of all, 2 mom and 8 or so baby turkeys are coming into MY flower beds and tearing up my flowers ! I am just about at my wits end ! D.W. never barks, he just runs head on into a skunk, the other night i was giving him a very cold from the hose bath on the front porch.... he's about ready to get thrown down the driveway and stomped on !

Not really, actually what my plan is to get an outside dog- yes, now the time for booing and hissing from jay and casey. What i want is a dog outside at night chasing these critters away, it's '
all well and good when dad's home and wants to get up and shoot them, but when he's gone 2-3 nights a week i feel like i'm at a stupid skunks whims, it's making me nuts, i'm finally getting better sleep, but varmints are overrunning the place. So dad is a little mad at me, what with the Burton bloodline and all. I love my little dog family, but i need a varmint chasing front porch dog. we'll see

So I think I'm done for now, dad is taking apart the waterbed, i have it on craigslist for free ! and have already got some interest, we'll see if someone will come this far for something that is free, aside from Jay's motto: Nothing For Free ! gotta go, love to all

P.S. the answer is Steve Martin- stand up

Monday, July 14, 2008

50 IS NOT THE NEW 30 !

figured I'd give you an update on our weekend camping adventure. We did not go to bullards bar, figured it to be to smoky, so we went up to union valley. its about 20 miles above placerville, we can go up thru georgetown, very pretty drive, lots of thick pine trees. anyway, lake is very pretty, less smoke but high clouds and smoke. water is a lot like clemtine, clear and refreshing. Good News: free to launch Bad News: No hazard bouys, ran over a hudge bolder under water. loud noise, but no hull damage, did have some skagg damage as the SKAGG HIT THE BOAT ! dad can fix it up fine. glad i wasn't driving. So we want to camp there next, dogs are allowed, reservations are first come first serve, so we'll have to plan it out. Water had some very smooth spots. I think I screwed my neck up by tubing with brielle, stupid but fun..... so dad and i are tired and feeling old today, he's already napping at 1 pm. We're not feeling 30'ish. Maybe being old is best left to those who are already old..... Love ya all

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Late Night For Ramblings

Ok i have to start over, you all know what happened,,, it screwed me but maybe i'll save a few times this time.My neck still feels good,my leg is killing me, maybe the no pain makes the other pain worse, who knows. I am so very thankful for the relief i have in my neck. Praise The Lord !!!! So Jamie says i need to let jay and janelle know that i mopped bathrooms, vaccumed floors and did all kinds of domestic inside chores today! I can do it when the time is right! Hey jay, I took all my old nascar newspapers to recycling yesterday, and yet my life goes on..... hmmm, you should really be a crime fighter! Now to the serious stuff,would you guys pray for aunt andy, her best friend sharon died last sunday, she was mid 40's had gone on a bike ride to celebrate daughters 14th birthday, small wreck, but it seems that during the night or early in the morning she died in bed. she had underlying health issues but they are guessing that a small part of fatty cartlidge came loose from sprain on elbow and entered her circulitory system. when i talked to her yesterday, she did not know autopsy results. Andy gave a eulogy and is very concerned for daughter Faith. It's a messy situation with the husband who did not treat her well. If you could pray for that whole situation and for me to have the right words for andy i'd appreciate it. On the praise front janenne barretts little boy got to come home from hospital last week. all seems well, can't wait to see him. any updates from wyatt ? It seems that our camping trip is a no go for next week. janet and i might drive up to union valley and scope it out, see how the smoke is and if there is camping opportunities, nice clean refreshing lake water seems great right now.gonna go see if i can get some zzzzzz's. love to all

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Wednesday Night Ramblins

hi all, my neck still feels good, actually it does not "feel" at all
so that's very good ! and i might have caught up on sleep finally, i think we'll see tomorrow. My goal is to get to dmv early to get replacement boat tags before we go up to bullards bar sunday afternoon. Air here is still very smoky and just yucky, looks like we are in for it for the next few weeks as fires are all over, some fires are not even being fought because they are too far in woods and other fires are threating homes or structures. I think bullards bar will put it a little closer to fires, but what the heck wind shifts are constantly changing, and water is a nice place to be in yucky air. It will be fun to camp with lomas family, alec and brielle are always refreshingly fun to be with outside, fearless and everything is fun. hopefully john and alec will get some fishing time in. it's late so i better go. leave me comments so i know someone is paying attention to my ramblings love ya all !

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tuesday Night

Well I made It throught my cevical epidural shot just fine. As it turned out they did not put me all the way out! I'm feeling prety good now, drs say that i should have an increase in pain for 24-48 hrs after the anasthetic wears off. I took it pretty easy and plan to go to bed pretty early tonite. john took off after bring me home, i was doing well and figured it would be easier to rest without his working and worrying. the bostitch regional managers are meeting this week and word is heads are on the chopping block. I am not worried, but john is freaking out just a bit, it's best that he be out working instead of worrying at home. It is still very hot, hot,hot and smoky here.we are planning to go camping at Bullards Bar sunday- tuesday, but we can't find any info for air quality. My guess is that it's as bad if not worse here,we might just go for it anyway, water is always good antidote to smoke and heat. I think i'm off to change water and hit the sack ! later.....

Monday, July 7, 2008


Hi All had a great and busy weekend,one of best parts of my planned lazy day today is that air outside is so smokey and "unhealthy" that i don't feel bad about not doing anything outside. Also the temp is about 100 degrees.Only word for that is: Nap Time. I am trying to make changes to blog, hopefully they will take effect when i post this blog. Tomorrow morning at 7:30 am i will be goin in for epuderal on my cervical spine, should be a 2.5 hr appt. i will be put out for procedure so that will be nice ! should not be any recovery time, but i will be taking it easy tomorrow afternoon. If jamie has kitchen cabinet doors off i will sand and paint for her this week, i forgot how much i like sanding and painting. sunday we will be going up to bullards bar camping with lomas family till tues morning, i have to come back for dr. follow up on tuesday afternoon. love to all-- leave me comments if you read this

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Whew, I can't wait for for monday (never thought i'd say that)this last month, week by week so many fun things have been happining back to back,monday will be the first day i have nothing to do ! my truck is on E and payday is not till thursday, so i'm gladly stuck at home. Had a great time with relatives in san francisco last week. we went to alcatraz, grace cathredal,and cable car museum. bill and marguerite and daughter kristen were so nice, it was the first time we had met them. 2 very fun packed days. thursday we packed up to camp at oroville with dustin, jamie and chris and irene. had a little run in with lake patrol first night, we did'nt have a type 4, boat seat cushion apparently needed if someone is drowning you should throw that instead of a life jacket ? anyway ranger "terminated" on boating. Quite a mixture of hostility mixed with " you gotta be kidding" so dustin and jamie went to the walmart and bought a $7.00 life saving device. imagine saving a life for $7.00. So as john was getting the boat ready to hit the lake friday, john found our seat cushion life saver ! so we head to boat ramp at spillway and have a 2 hr 40 min wait to put the boat in the water. when we finally got in, it was great ! we stayed for fireworks, best we've ever watched, well worth the hassle. thankfully it only took us 15 min to get out of the lake. We all slept good ! we came home early to go to john shankles 50th birthday party. lots of fun. it is now 12:15 am sun morning and we are at 12 laps to go on the daytona race we tivoed from earlier. 11 to go and a caution. gotta go, hopefully i will get new pics up tomorrow, so check back periodicaly.