Thursday, August 28, 2008

Short Post...... Maybe

Well I made it to Wednesday. Been a busy week, 3 days a week I start my day with Physical Therapy in Roseville, I love it cause it's in the warm pool, but afterwords I have to drive to Grass Valley, Placerville, makes for long days, but I think it's helping. I'm getting another epidural in my neck. I'm waiting for call about doing the nerve deading in my leg. I'm sure the Dr.'s office screwed it up, nice girl, totally inept, I'll have to deal with it tomorrow.

And as I travel up the hill to Placerville tomorrow I have to get my truck smoged, hopefully I can get in and out quickly. I have 7 "jobs" tomorrow, they'll be pretty quick, and I get to go up to Pollock Pines, it's so nice up there, and the people are so nice.

We are going up to Clear Lake camping Friday, john has a customer competing in jet ski competition, so it should be fun, it's Konocti's summer finale. We are camping at a RV campground, owner just bought it recently, so it should be interesting. It's in Nice, across the lake from Konocti. John is excited because it has WiFi and cable, wants to get a t.v. going, no reason, just cause he can, we'll have to discuss that again. It will be hot, so I am looking forward to being on the water.

That's all I got tonite, gotta sleep..... love you all

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saturday of Suprises

Well Bristol in August is over for one more year. And we have a vice presidential canidate. I can't wait for McCain to name his and the debating to get going......... I'm all about John McCain, I like what he stands for AND I don't want to live in Obama's America, land of socialism and liberalism, where everyone has a voice but the one's with common sense ! I can leave California politics, but not USA's !!! So there's my political soap box of the day, I feel more will be upon me in the next few months, get ready !
So then we have night racin at Bristol, Dale Jr. starts in the back, jumps the start, goes down a lap, and never recovers, finishes 2 laps down. Kasey Khane gets caught up in a wreck and has a DNF. My RCR guys finished well, and jr. picked up a spot in standings. So I guess it was kinda a push for me. Gotta love that Carl Edwards, bump and run and no apolgies !
So now I'm getting the " its been a long day, let's go to bed" look so i should probaly shut er down. Oh yea, heard from jason 2 times in 2 days ! He and candice are back in Utah. Hopefully he'll get on our blogs and return to the "family" love u, jason and candice !
Jamie called a couple minutes ago, she and Michelle painted Katies room today, she is doing a green/green and white strip scheme. Can't wait to see it. lights are going out all around me, and the remote went to the bedroom, so i guess i'll go.
Love to all

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Long Time No Blog..........

Yes, I am still here, just been busy going to dr. appts, started physical therapy, been camping. Sometimes I'm choosing the " If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything" method. Nothing too bad, just blah,blah,blah..........

My sister Andrea left last Friday with her two daughters, Raquel and Marlana to drive Marlana to Southern Utah University. It is close to St. George, no it's not a Mormon univ. Why she choose there is kinda a mystery, but I'm sure she has reasons, she is a loooooooong way from Pulaski Va. Raquel graduated from Virginia Tech in June, and is working in Anderson South Carolina. Anyway the girls had a fun road trip out, stayed in Vail, Colorado and in the back seat of Raquel's outback. After getting Marney settled, Andy and Raquel decided to take the southern route back, Kansas was really, really wide apparently ! Andy and Raquel got to Las Vegas about 2 am, saw a couple of street fights and 2am Vegas regulars ! They should be at our brothers in Oklahoma late tonight. They should be home by Friday sometime. I think Marney's comings and goings will be out of the Las Vegas airport, an hour and a half away. That's a long drive to do more than once.

So here we are the last Wednesday in august and I"D RATHER BE IN BRISTOL,TN. Tonite was the Truck race, tomorrow night is family night, and hauler parade, Friday night is NationWide Race and Saturday night is the Cup race. Always a big event, and a blast to be there... can't describe it, just wish john and I were there with my dad, maybe next year.

We got the site where Jay and Janelle's wedding pics are, but need to get somewhere with a faster download speed, maybe I'll lunch at Paneria Bread Friday and be able to look at them, sorry guys, it's a bit frustrating, what we've seen so far has been very nice, but haven't got to ceremony tab yet. You both look so beautiful, alone and together. I am now going to get a little mushy and say that I am so thankful that God brought the two of you together. It's so much fun to see the two of you together even in pictures.

It's late and I am trekking up to Placerville, and Pollock Pines and Kyburz tomorrow for work. Pretty area to work in hugh ?...
Love to All

Saturday, August 9, 2008


I assume that anyone that reads my blog, they know that John and I will have a Grandaughter in dec. What a great Christmas present God is blessing us with. We can't wait to see her, hold her, and change a diaper or two ! Thanks Jamie and Dustin !!!!!

So some people feel challenged to run marathons, some to climb mountains, some to jump out of airplanes. THIS is my challenge- to spend 5 days with 5 dogs and not loose any, or get myself involved in a fight and get them all fed and into bed ! It's been quite a funathon already, D.W. got himself skunked thru the front screen door the other night, Hogan the watchdog was laying under our window. D.W. is quite territorial so I'm pretty sure he "kicked" hogan off the front porch. Anyway d.w. needed a bath yesterday afternoon so........... I let them all out of backyard, Zell running around trying to fight the hose, hogan trying to get between me and dogs i was washing, rolla running around just trying to keep up. So mission accomplished. I however smelled like skunk and was quite wet. I am very careful not to get involved in "dog issues" i believe in letting them work it out. Right now the front door is open and I think they are all within sight and figuring out the pecking order.

John is down at dustin and jamies putting in fire door between garage and laundry room, hopefully he'll be home in time for naps. We have 3 races to watch today so we might be up late.
Otherwise, things are pretty quiet around here, no fires thankfully and very pleasant weather. I have 2 dr. appointments this week, 1 for a recheck on my neck. The other is a very delayed appt for my leg, which is getting worse and very painful. I need relief on it asap. I'm hobbling around like a old, old, old lady. This must stop !

Gotta go check my inmates, too quiet....... Love to All

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tuesday Thoughts and Rambles

Well here it is Tuesday evening, I don't even know how to describe my day today. Didn't have to work, didn't have anywhere to go that was worth $4 + in gas. So kinda sat around, reading, and as you'll notice put a slide show on my blog ! not bad huh Casey, it was crazy hot, but i didn't have ambition to turn on air, right now it's 82 degrees a little before 9. The book I'm reading is a Karen Kingsbury book, very sad I've cried most of the day, but dang it i have to finish it!! Before this book i read the book Let's Roll, the story of Todd and Lisa Beemer, he was one of the passengers the took down flight 93 in Pennsylvania. It is really a must read, It was so full of hope, and personal faith, and how Christ can heal and care for broken hearts and dreams. It has it's sad parts, but it truly is a great testament of God's love and care. So that was my day..... Dad will be home Thursday, in time for dinner, Jamie and Dustin will be announcing if we are getting a grandson or granddaughter.... Dad of course is freaking out, I told Jamie I'm pacing myself, it still seems unreal, great, but unreal. If you are reading this you saw my pic of Hogan. I made a very big mistake in agreeing to dads list of rules. He is sooooo sweet and such a good people dog, it kills me to shut the door on him. He lays in front of the front door until we go to bed, then he lays under window. Dad is quite impressed, he is not a barker, but has chased a couple of skunks, raccoons off . When he does bark it sound like he means business. He finally got dw to play with him, i posted it to youtube if you are at all interested. On the personal front, my neck still feels good, my leg is nada, i go back to both drs next week. I am looking forward to announcement at church of upcoming ladies bible study, with the work schedule i have i should be able to do one during the day. I'm looking forward to that, with no Sunday school, I'm excited to be study God's word with women in church family. It looks like dad will be gone all of next week, I'll have to make some plans besides work so I'm not sitting around reading sad books! Dad never said i can't take all three dogs to the lake myself.......not sure if Folsom qualifies as a lake at this point. I think that I'll do some hot tubbing before i hit the sack,I'm sure I'll be up until it cools off enough. Love you all, I'll give Janelle and jay a call tomorrow before you go to the ham....and you think oroville is the surface of the sun. I think the ham is surface of sun, with a big canvas tent over it ! I know you guys will have fun, wish i was going too.