Sunday, June 29, 2008

Week Thats Up...

This is shaping up to be a busy week,tomorrow (monday) is the day i go with jack and joyce up to Boys ranch in oroville.With the weather so hot and smoky and 2 big fires burned recently up that way it will be hot and yucky, not to mention that i don't think joyce is going to go. Oh well I always feel better when I've been there. Change of pace on Tuesday, as mona and i will drive to vallejo EARLY in the morning to catch a ferry to San Francisco to meet with my mom's Uncle Bill, wife Marketa and their daughter who is about mona and I's age. We will be going to the warf, tour of alcatraz, up to chinatown, and if time allows golden gate park. We will be home wed night. Thursday morning we are going up to lake oroville to camp thursday and friday night, Yeah fireworks over the lake. we will come home early saturday morning to go to john shankles 50th birthday party. I'm still so tired from wedding, last week etc, I can't imagine how i'll crash next sat night. Also looking forward to going to church next week, missed last 3 weeks. don't like that at all. So got 41 more miles of racing at New Hampshire then we can hit the sack, I'm trying to stay awake, john gave up, only wakes up for commercials so he can keep control of remote... He worked very hard yesterday and today with dustin getting his tile floor installed in new home. Can't wait to see it

Week That Was....

Had a great week, the race at sonoma was fun, got my new dale jr. gear, specifically my truck decal ! now i just need to keep my truck clean long enough to put it on. This has been a week filled with fires and smoke.We've had 2 pretty good sized fires by our house, thankfully they are back in the woods where there are no homes involved.The smoke and yuck that has been in the air from sacramento to georgetown to placerville has just been awful.I think all we are looking to is small changes to make it better, no big breezes.We said goodbye to Jay and Janelle and Casey this week. Casey left at 4 am monday morning to get back to alabama before girlfriend peggy goes on vacation for a week. Spent monday afternoon at lake clemtine with jaynelley for a quick ski and dip before they took off for home ( corona) Big News for Me: I got up on ski's, first time in 2 years, I am a slomon skier so humbling to use 2, but with as bad as my leg is, i'm satisfied with 2 for now. Went to Cervical Doctor, she is scheduling me for a epuderal shot in my neck, if that is unsuccessful then i think we look at surgery. Personally I'd just as soon skip to surgery, but they want to exaust all other avenues before surgery, so i'll play along. Later

Week That Was

Friday, June 20, 2008

My Wonderful Men

Just had to share thoughts on my son's, it's a incredible blessing to share time with each son in the same day.We just spent a quickie camping trip to Clear Lake with the newest Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hobbs and Casey. Had lot's of fun, biggest game for rest of us is getting a word in being around jay and casey, between movie lines, and sarcasm it get's tough. They are so much fun and can make the mundane a great memory.Janelle is my newest heroine for loving jay even when he is "brothering" with casey. when we got home from camping, dustin called just to chat and give me an update on how zell and rolla are adjusting to new home,zell is looking for escape plan and rolla is just off her game a bit,such unique personalities.Dustin and Jamie are moving forward with home repairs etc, we moved them in last weekend. Felt bad that we put all the stuff in house and got out of the way.I'm sure that they were glad to be alone in new home, but a little overwhelmed with task of not being able to set up housekeeping due to repairs, new counter tops,shower tile,waiting for new appliances,floors.Anyway,being in around my sons and daughters (thier wives)just makes my heart so full of love of Christ for all he has given john and I. Open house/reception for jay and janelle tomorrow,i will start putting it all together later this morning.Not going to stress out, will work through each room in house,dusting etc, then move to outside, where i plan for most of activity to be.I think I will have to make a run to town for new flowers and birdseed, i think some of my pansies have finally given up,so out they go for hot summer flowers. I also need to get my timers reset for auto watering. I am up now due to leg and back pain.Having problems getting appt. with doctors office i've been to 3 times. Have appt. next week with new doc for neck issues.Trying very hard not to be overly depressed with pain issues but getting very weary of pain and all the crap that goes with it. Gotta go try to get some zzzzzzzzz.Love to all, looking forward to saturday, having all our family here with friends who have watched them grow from little guys to the incredible young men they are. TO LIFE...........

Monday, June 16, 2008

Just Rambling

So here are my thoughts of the day: Would have liked to go up to oroville today,leg hurt all night so I did not sleep at all, called Joyce at 5 am, finally got to sleep at 7:30 am woke up at 9:00. Since I was up I decided to do my Friday Merchandising Jobs today instead of friday, ran a few errards and got a few things done around the house. Tomorrow the rush is on, I will work in Grass Valley and then over to Beale AFB, hope to be home fairly early. I will meet Jamie in auburn to get zell and rolla back to them and let them use my truck for the next few days. Jay and Janelle will be up late tomorrow night, we are going up to clear lake wednesday and spend the night, hoping we will pack light.Friday we will get ready for reception/open house for the new Mr. & Mrs. Hobbs ! It will be a fun and busy week !

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Post Wedding Notes

Ok, I've been told that my blog needs to be updated, so here goes jamie !... Jay and Janelle's wedding was perfect, to see them look at each other is to see all the love and commitment they have to each other and Christ.Very Nice. I also must comment on the idea of "family". The family that we became with the Rubinos 4 years ago continues to amaze me. I was'nt sure till jamie confirmed it, but my son the groom, and the entire group of his groomsmen got showered and dressed for the wedding at chris and irene's, yes,casey had called and checked to see if it was o.k., of course it was,it was a natural for my sons who in so many ways have adopted chris and irene as an extra set of parents, they have always been there for them, with an Easter feast at Grandma Penny's and Grandpa Frank's a few years ago to crashing in a bedroom when needed. Truly we got a daughter 4 years ago, and they received 3 sons. Thank You Chris and Irene. See ya this weekend !
On to other issues: casey and i are sitting around doing just about as nothin as you can get, saving our energy for bodega bay tomorrow.Next week we will camp at clear lake with jay and janelle, looking forward to that.Dustin and Jamie will be moving into new home this weekend, house is beautiful, but needs a little work, they will move most items to storage unit, untill they can officially move in with all items repaired and painted. It will be fun watching them set up in there own home, zell and rolla will love new back yard, new places to dig holes for zell!. As i sit here the dreaded north wind is blowing, california is on fire.... high fire danger everywhere, this is one of the reasons i am looking forward to living in north carolina. Can't end this ramblins without thanking my family for being here for jays wedding; My parents who flew in from virginia, thank you for making me and my son feel first your prioritys.My brother Bruce, who made a bonsi run from paradise to so cal, to be here, thank you !. To my sister Andy, thanks for your sanity, sense of humor and laughter, thank you for the monetary sacrafice,it is appreciated. To Mona,Thank you for taking a day off to be here for the whole shebang ! and for giving Mom and Dad that extra day at the beach, i could'nt but you did, thank you! so here ends my blog for the day, hope you like it but check back tomorrow maybe it will be better...