Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Welcome To The Sunny Side

Well, I had finally had enough in the bedroom, color that is. As most of you have seen I painted our bedroom grey a couple of years ago. I really like it, most of the year ! This time of year when it is dark a lot outside, and hopefully rainy the room tends to be waaay to dark,besides the main overhead light i have 3 pole lamps, 2 of them have 3 bulbs on em. Most mornings it's just too dark for me.
SOO I bought a gallon of "Papaya" paint to literally throw it on the wall and see what sticks. It actually wasn't bad, took 3 coats to cover gray. It also became clear that the entire room could not really be this color. SOO, I gave john the opportunity to blend the two colors.
We figured what the heck, do a blend over the window, I had a picture of sunset over folsom lake , we printed it, John just kinda freehanded it. I am very impressed with his work and think it blends pretty well. So the way I look at it we have a daylight and nightime room, what the heck ! I love the bright color.

Meanwhile, we've been to see Katie as often as possible, my gosh it's been over a month since she was born ! I got my little brag book that fits in my purse, ready to whip out at any time. She really is quite a cutie.

Work is slow, I applied to work for a different merchandising company today, hopefully between the two I can get busy again. Seems like even the merchandising business is a little slow........

Not much else going on, John has been clearing brush from all around the house, opening up areas never seen before, quite interesting, and a good excuse to have a fire !!

I'm still hanging in there with leg and neck pain stuff, have appt. in early Feb, hopefully I will get things taken care of before summer, so I gotta get moving on it now...ho hum....tired of dr. appts and talking about it.

Hopefully D.W. and Charlotte have been laying on the bed to warm it up long enough, our water froze last night and tonite should be as cold. Here's to a 2 dog night.....love to all........

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Where to Start.............

Last few weeks have been pretty full of fun, adventure and a little disappointment, but I do recommend a Christmas after New Years, kinda perks up first part of Jan !

We have been as busy as can be seeing Katie, she is growing and starting to look like herself instead of what "we" all see in her. Sadly she is getting bigger ears, that's a Dustin trait! Yeah Dad

Since we expected Casey, Jay & Janelle and Jason and his buddy for our Christmas in Jan, John and I had to finally gut the office, found some interesting things we had and had not been missing. I took 4 lap tops, 1 printer, 2 cell phones to a eco-recycling place over in Shingle Springs. They refurbish with Microsoft to give to needy, they are very proud of the fact that they do not send work overseas (child labor ,etc) it's all done in Calif. They also have e-waste fund raisers. Pretty neat, I'm going to talk to Janet who is youth leader at Cool Community about doing a fund raiser for youth group. It's weird how now everyone has some kind of e-waste in their home, but we're not sure what to do with it. I got a answer !
Anyway on to Christmas. Jay and Casey drove up wed, Jason was leaving Utah Thursday after work. Janelle was flying in Friday night about 9 pm. As we were sitting around Thursday night, jay realized that Janelle's flight was booked for am. None of the other flights were going to work, so she had to miss Friday class, but got to come up earlier, that was fun. About 12:30 am Jason called, he was in Battle Mountain Nevada. He had hit a deer, not a lot of body damage, but his radiator was crushed and car was overheating. He had to have it towed and never made it to California.

We were soo disappointed not to get to see him. He and Casey have not seen each other in over 4 yrs. Casey has Southwest credit, so I think they are going to work out getting Jason back to Birmingham on a long weekend.
Despite missing our 4th son, we had a great day, Great Grandpa Hobbs came up, we just kinda hung out and opened presents. I think the coolest gift, besides Katie, was we were able to get Casey a copy of a picture of Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison Concert that has never been public before. It's not the greatest "Cash" picture but a great performance picture.

Casey is quite the guitar player, recently he bought another harmonica, total of 5 now.He's got the neck holder so he can play guitar and harmonica together. I'm quite impressed ! He is quite influenced by Bob Dylan's songwriting. No Idea Where That Came From At Our House. Hank, Jackson, Jones,Haggard, I could understand. Dylan I'm at a loss to explain. But he is becoming a great songwriter and musician, I am so proud of him, miss him a lot.... 2-3 times a year is never enough to see your children.
Janelle and Jay are becoming Ucker (card game) pros. They are always eager to play, and getting pretty good. Very cool for John and I to be play the card games we used to spend many a night playing with Grandpa and Grandma Holcom. Brings back good memories. So enjoy the new pictures.

Notice my Dale Jr. Ornaments (new this year) I have a countdown clock on my desktop to Daytona, but speed weeks start 2 weeks before that so I'm almost there !!!! All for now, love to all..............