Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Post Election Ramblins

Well, America voted, and often we get what we deserve ! A little bit stronger statement than I'm feeling. Although there was a little more of the personal (not character) attacks i liked. I was quite happy with the way 4 nice people conducted themselves during this incredible long election cycle.
I think that was in large part because we did not have a Gore/Clinton involved. So I am disappointed that McCain/Palin lost, but not feeling hopeless.
I am happy with Obama's speech last nite, loved seeing jessie jackson cry ( boo hoo, it's all over for him). I was proud of our country that we will elect a black man, we were just waiting for the one to represent our county better than we'd been presented with in the past. And Bill can no longer claim to be the 'first black president"..............

And how about a beautiful, graceful first lady, and VP wife. I love Laura Bush, but would have liked to see more of her in public.
And adorable little girls in white house, and with a new puppy ! don't get cuter than that....
And....drum roll please.... I love the way he says Pakistan, go figure !.....................

So here's the run down in other Calif politics:

1.We voted (again) to keep marriage between a man and woman, did it back in 2000, but maybe it will stick this time

2. Chickens breed for eggs and eatin now get to have bigger more comfortable cages

3. Prostitution is voted as illegal San Francisco (aside for the fact that mayor Gavin Newsome opened the floodgates with gay marriage)

4. Parents do not need to be notified if daughters under 18 schedule abortions.

5. Sacramento finally kicked Heather Fargo out as mayor of Sac, electing former Kings BBall player turned developer Kevin Johnson (also black, not that that matters)

6. Retiring Republican John Doolittle (linked to Jack Abromoff) might have cost Tom McClintock (R) the very Republican 4th District. Our new congressman could be Democrat Charlie Brown I kid you not, The Honorable Charlie Brown. I'll be rooting for lucy and that football !

7. No sure yet, but Doug Pickell might have been re elected to the water board

8. So hey, ya gotta love California: Yes Fruits and Nuts..........

9 Casey probably made the best vote

10. Not a damm bit of it matters in the end. As a wise woman once said " Eternally speaking does it really matter" sounds simple, but apply it to a concern or decision and it brings things into focus..


1 comment:

Jay and Janelle said...

I'll bet you wish you were in SoCal last night, you could've watched people march against Prop 8 all night...

The quote of the evening, "The vote may already be decided, but these people aren't ready to give up."

It's called democracy, kids, pack it in and go home already.