Thursday, September 9, 2010

Family News

Well it has been quite a while since I have even looked at my blog, let alone changed anything one it, so I thought it was about time I did both. Since I've last been here Katie has celebrated her 1st birthday and will be celebrating her 2nd in just a few months. She is such a little miracle, her parents have given her such love, she is confident,loving, spunky,and is developing quite a sense of humor. Jamie has also turned her into a water lover, they swim at Jamie's sisters condo pool a couple of days a week, we took her out on the boat this summer, she was a little tentative about the boat at first, but loved being in the lake. When Grandpa got her on his lap and showed her where to honk the horn, she started liking the boat a lot more ! She definitely has her sea legs now, check out the video of her uncle Casey tossing her into the water, she was giggling and laughing, and trying to get back to Casey and the boat as quick as she can to do it again. It's hard to hear her the giggling cause everyone on the boat was laughing with her. My mom finally got to come out here and meet her a few weeks ago, Katie took right to her, like she had known her all her life, that was very nice.
AND THE BIG NEWS: Jay and Janelle are expecting their little bundle December 16th. We are sooo excited, we know it's a girl and they will name her Anabelle Lynn. Her birthday comes right as Janelle is getting ready to graduate from Nursing School and be a Maid of Honor at her best friends wedding. I think we are praying that she makes her arrival a week or so early ! Jay and Janelle plan on moving to Birmingham next summer so jay can attend Beeson Divinity School
( where Casey just graduated from) They will work hard at parenting,school and jobs when they get there. Casey is eagerly looking forward to their arrival !
Yes, Casey Graduated from Seminary last May, it was a incredible day ! Aside from the speakers and the ceremony, each professor prayed with hands on every graduate, it took a while but man what a Spirit Filled time that was. Casey is quite at home in "the ham" and is very involved in a ministry with addicts, he has great friends and mentors there, and feels that's where God wants him. All is good.
I think I've covered all the bases with our family, John and I have had a interesting summer..........but I'll save that for my next post